Keep Mice Out Of Your House!

Mice: Don't Give'em An Inch!

Give’em an inch and they’ll take a mile. This often-used expression means that making small concessions to some people can lead to them taking big advantage of you. Same thing goes for mice, only more so, because all they need is one quarter of an inch to sneak and squeeze their way into your house. And once they’re in, what’s yours is theirs. And what’s theirs is yours, like the germs and disease they can spread as vector pests. Rummaging through your cabinets looking for food, chewing their way through insulation looking for a place to nest, even eating through wiring trying to get that last morsel into their mouths: each and every thing they do is an opportunity to spread disease and do damage.

How much damage? A lot and here’s why: It’s summertime, which means it’s prime mating season for mice. And because their mating season corresponds with higher summer temperatures, these little guys and gals will be looking to make their way into more pleasantly controlled temperature zones. Put another way, they’ll be looking for someplace cool and comfortable, someplace sheltered and safe, someplace that sounds a lot like your house. And when you think about it, why wouldn’t they? You like your house, so it stands to reason they will too. Which brings us back to them needing just one quarter inch of space to find their way into
your place. 

On a mission to mate out of the sun and swelter, mice will claw and chew their way through just about anything to live as easy and as comfortable lives as possible. Things like wood, drywall and foam present little deterrent to them; driven by nature to eat and breed, they can make short work of just about any obstacle in their way so they can get to the business of getting busy. But the fun is just beginning, because that quarter of an inch has opened up a whole new world to them: from your garage to your basement; from your attic to your walls and floors, from your cabinets to your cookies, mice can get anywhere in your house they want to go,  whenever they want to, one quarter of an inch after another.

Since mice are predominantly nocturnal, they are most active in the evening or just before dawn, so it’s at these times that they are hunting for food the most. It’s also at these times you might hear slight scratching noises inside your walls or overhead in your ceiling. But it’s possible you won’t hear anything at all, because mice are cunning and consistent, quietly traveling established routes, oftentimes setting up camp as close as they can to their preferred food source.

Something else you might not notice, is the bacteria they can spread as they travel to their favorite deli or diner, located at the corner of your counter and cupboard. They spread bacteria that can cause diseases like hantavirus, salmonella and listeria. These diseases are spread through their fecal matter and urine, which isn’t always easy to see as it can quickly turn to dust and circulate through the air in your home.  And even though mice might only travel a few feet at a time while looking for food, the bacteria and germs they carry can contaminate the air you breathe throughout your entire house.

By now you might think that since mice can infiltrate just about any size hole to get into and travel throughout  your house, that the spread of their diseases is inevitable and something you have to live with, but that’s not the case. Despite their abilities, the best defense to protect your home against these pests is to monitor your house for obvious entry areas and fix them as needed. It’s also a good idea to monitor your kitchen, countertops and cabinets as well as all your food stores for mice fecal droppings- yes they can dry into dust, but not immediately, so regular monitoring is critical. Look for fresh food droppings too; unless you’ve suddenly taken to eating cookies in your sleep in the pantry, unusual crumb trails can be a great indicator of mice activity. In any of these cases, seek professional remediation as soon as possible. 

And to learn more about how we can help humanely rid you of any problem you have with mice, call us @ 916.282.1822.

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